Property Editors
Property editors display and edit properties for the currently highlighted element on the page. Property editors are located at the bottom of the main window.
A selected tab shows an active active property editor. Clicking on the "Run" tab allows you to change the output format(s). Chose the Output Type that you wish to generate AND select any or all of the Output Results that you require, for example, you can check all of the boxes if you wish to see the results on screen, generate a file in the same format, and push the results to a database that you have set up in the project or you can just check the "Show In Viewer" for a quick preview.
Note: If you are working in free layout, it is easier to switch to the main window before clicking the running man icon.
Click on a different tab to switch to another editor - .
- shows property editors in a floating window.
- close the property editors. Use the "View" main menu or double click on a page element to show property editors if they are not visibile.
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