System Buffer Management Methods (Advanced)
Sometimes it is not enough to operate on a per record basis. Let's assume that your input text consists of the following text areas:
219434342 GASKET SET 123.35 3 370.05 19980301 19980630
798734776 OIL PUMP 345.23 1 345.23 19970403 19960704
872375762 VALVE GUIDE 10.25 8 82.00 19980523 19980723
897987237 VALVE SPRING 4.95 8 39.60 19980523 19980723
987987765 PISTON SET 805.00 2 1,610.00 19980523 19930913
987293744 TORSION BAR 218.50 2 437.00 19980427 19981010
098230984 SWAY BAR 399.00 1 399.00 19981010 19970119
958430987 CV JOINTS 318.75 3 956.25 19881112 19980909
092834844 STRUT ASSEMBLY 449.00 3 1,347.00 19970617 19970530
and we would like to merge the subtotal information for each group into each detailed record. The methods, which accumulate, query and extract the data from the system buffer can facilitate the task.
First of all, we do not want TextConveter to insert any output records into the database until we encounter a closing line for each text block. Therefore we call SkipRecord at the beginning of the OnRecord method implementation (line 2). Then we accumulate all input records in the system buffer (line 16) until we encounter a closing line (line 5). After that we iterate through all of the accumulated records (line 6), take some data from the closing line (lines 7-9), fetch an input record from the buffer (line 10) and get some more data for each detailed record (lines 11-12). Now we can insert an output record into the output database table (line 13). We flush the system buffer (line 15) to get ready for the next block of records.
1. Function OnRecord
2. this.SkipRecord()
3. Dim input
4. input = DictIn.Field_1.value
5. If Left(input, 3) = "SUB" Then
6. For I = 0 To this.GetBufferCount() - 1
7. DictOut.GroupName.value = Mid( input, 10, 25 )
8. DictOut.GroupQty.value = Mid( input, 43, 4 )
9. DictOut.GroupCost.value = Mid( input, 49, 10 )
10. this.GetFromBuffer( I )
11. DictOut.ItemNo.value = Mid( DictIn.Field_1.value, 3, 9 )
12. DictOut.Descript.value = Mid( DictIn.Field_1.value, 14, 19 )
13. this.AppendRecord()
14. Next
15. this.FlushBuffer()
16. Else this.AddToBuffer()
17. End If
18. End Function
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