Free Layout UI

This is the Free Layout Editor User Interface (UI).  The Free Layout Editor exists in a separate window that is tied to the main Target Reports window.

This UI includes many of the same features that you are familiar with in the main Target Reports UI but also provides several advanced features not available in the main UI.  This help page will only cover the aspects of Free Layout that are different from the main Target Reports UI.  On the this free layout help page, first I will detail the Resources pane (lower left corner) of the free layout UI below, and then I will discuss the Property Editor pane (lower right).


Services - In the Free Layout Editor the gears tab is for Services.  These Services are similar to the Report Elements in the main Target Reports UI but are more flexible.

Database Table Iterator - Set the source, scope, and dictionary for the set of records that this service will iterate through.  A simple example is a form that is repeated once for each record with the values from the records in certain predefined positions.  Imagine you are shooting a scene for a movie with lots of extras in the background.  The iterator could pre-fill a one page PDF release for each actor just like a mail merge in a word processor.  Of course the Database Table Iterator is much more powerful than a mail merge in that it can contain any number of services (including other Database Table Iterators) nested within itself.

Table Report/Graph Report - Set the source, scope, and dictionary for the set of records and this service will build a table or any of 15 different graph types.  The object can be changed from a table to any type of chart or graph without resetting the source, scope, or dictionary.  Components of the service, including summaries, details, or details and summaries can be placed separately or nested to depth.

Chart - The chart is a slightly more advanced service.  To use the chart service, create two variables.  The variables will represent the arrays of data you wish to chart on the X and Y axes.

Script - Use this VBScript service, and it's associated objects, as you would in any other part of Target Reports, TextConverter, or any other Target application.

Page Resources - These are elements used for the design and layout of your document or HTML page.  They are similar to the Page Resources in the main Target Reports UI but more flexible.

Panel/Stream - A panel can be converted to a stream and vice versa.  To contain text, use a stream or nest a stream within a panel.  Panels and streams are the basic framework for containing and nesting other elements and resources.  They are used like tables and divs are used in HTML.  A panel allows you to define absolute layouts based on positional coordinates similar to the way objects are edited in a drawing or painting program.  A stream allow you to define the layout based on order similar to the way that text and other objects can flow freely within a word processor.  To change between a Panel and a Stream, see the description of Generic properties below.  Panels have a Positional or Proportional Layout mode, while Streams have a Streaming Layout mode.

Note:  If you place text in a stream or text page resource then change the object's layout mode to positional or proportional, the text will be lost.

Text - this is the same as in the main Target Reports UI.

Picture - this is the same as in the main Target Reports UI.

Blob - allows the use of pictures or any other binary object stored in the database.

Library - The Library allows allows advanced users to store and access references to other components of the same project.

Property Editors

Generic - The various page resources and services will have different properties available for editing.  Properties include...

Layout mode - Changing the layout mode will effect which options are displayed for the properties below.

Streaming - information is streamed like in a word processor or text editor.

Positional - objects are in fixed positions like in a drawing program.  Child objects do not change size or position.

Proportional - objects placed inside a proportional panel will change size while maintaining the same ratio with the parent panel.  Proportional layout mode is similar to tables in HTML.

Width mode - options are:  Fit to content, Fixed, or Flexible

Height mode - options are:  Fit to content, Fixed, or Flexible

Horizontal overflow behavior - applies only when the Width mode is "Fixed"

Always visible - allow overflow, or

Clip - do not display information that exceeds the available space

Vertical overflow behavior - applies only when the Height mode is "Fixed"

Always visible - allow overflow, or

Clip - do not display information that exceeds the available space

Vertical alignment - options are:  top, center, or bottom

HTML content - selecting this check-box allows the content of a panel to be treated and rendered as HTML rather than text.  If this is not checked and HTML is used, the HTML will appear as mark-up code.  This option is only shown when layout mode is streaming.

Allow wrapping - selecting this check-box allows lines to wrap.  This option is only shown when layout mode is streaming.

Page breaks - this property allows an element or page resource to trigger a page break.  For HTML output, page breaks are only relevant when printing.  For Excel, the effect of pagination is determined by the top level document format property.  If Excel output in selected, check-boxes are available in the main Target Reports UI, document format property editor for "One sheet per page" and/or "One sheet per group".

Page break options are:  None, Before, or After

The role on the page - options are:  None (just the standard role of a resource),  Header, or Footer

Name - you can type a name here for the object

Bounding Box - these properties determine the appearance of the box and it's background for panels and streams.

Script, Data Source, Dictionary, Scope, Group/Scale, Having, and Chart (where you can set the type of chart and adjust all of the charts properties) - are the same as in the main Target Reports UI