Dictionary Editor

TextConverter and TARGET Reports invoke the Dictionary Editor slightly differently. In TextConverter, to edit an input dictionary, click on the script tab (next to preview options), add a variable that is a DB or DBCreator (right click in the variable column, choose Data Properties, choose DB or DBCreator), double click on the DB or DBCreator variable (or right click and choose properties).  Now choose the dictionary tab.  In TARGET Reports, Click on or create any element in the main page area that is data driven, then click the dictionary tab in the property editor pane.  The property editor pane is at the bottom of the screen by default but can be undocked and moved using the push pin icon.

The dictionary displays the fields that are to be retrieved from the data source and allows construction of custom fields.  The custom fields are valid SQL expressions that work with other custom or database fields.

 - field,  - custom (calculated) field

You can define a custom field as a function of other custom fields.  This feature is not supported by SQL and many other databases.  It is available through TARGET's (SiMX's application framework) interpreting capabilities for additional convenience. 

Use the dictionary's context menu for additional convenience.