Report Page Element Resources

Report element resources become available after an input data source for your report element is initialized. Drag and drop report resources to the currently selected report element to setup your report. Report resources consist or two parts: fields and aggregate functions.


There are two types of field resources. 1 - Database fields, which are pulled from the underlying database table or view; 1 - Custom fields which are created using the dictionary editor and can be functions of other custom fields, database fields, aggregate functions. Custom field can be defined through scripting for advanced usage.

Aggregate Functions

Using  aggregate functions you can calculate different statistics for the compete report (grand total) or arbitrary intermediate levels of grouping (sub-totals). Statistics include relatively simple aggregates like Count, Min, Max, Sum and more complex ones, which require multi-passes for the calculations. The great advantage of the visual design approach implemented by TARGET Reports is that you should not worry about the complexity behind aggregate functions calculation, just drag and drop functions into a report element as needed and produce professional reports.

Count - Returns the number of records in a group or the number of non NULL values in a group for an associated reporting field.

Min - Returns the minimum value in a group for an associated reporting field.

Max - Returns the maximum value in a group for an associated reporting field.

Sum - Returns the addition result in a group for an associated reporting field. NULL values are ignored.

Avg - Returns the average (mean) of the values in a group for an associated reporting field: SUM(field) / COUNT(field).

Median - Returns the middle value from a sorted list of values in a group for an associated reporting field.

Deviation - Returns the standard deviation statistic in a group for an associated reporting field. Standard deviation tells you how tightly all the various values of the fields are clustered around the mean of that field' values.

%Cnt - Returns the percentage of records count in a group relatively to its parent group.

% - Returns the percentage of field' SUM in a group relatively to its parent group.

Positive Count - Returns the number of positive values in a group for an associated field.

Positive Avg - Returns the average of the positive values in a group for an associated reporting field.

In addition to the list of predefined aggregate function an arbitrary statistic can be implemented using scripting.