
The input dictionary and output dictionary can be used for parsing with script.  With an AI generated template, or a delimited file, a multi-field input dictionary is created.  The input dictionary is a visualization of the template (or delimiter) process and can not be directly edited.  The output dictionary can be created by adding fields, can be reset to a reflection of the input dictionary, or can be acquired by setting the output data source to the table or file with a preexisting data structure.  The output dictionary can be edited at any time but such edits will effect the operation of any script that is in place.  The following dictionary functions are available:

DictIn.GetFieldCount( )

DictIn.GetFieldValue( index|name )

DictOut.GetFieldCount( )

DictOut.GetFieldValue( index|name )

DictOut.SetFieldValue index|name, value

The properties of a data set, including database tables and data files, are available as variables.  The following set of target variables are available for script users in SiMX's TextConverter and TARGET Reports:

Value - generic variable of an arbitrary type (string, numeric, boolean, data, array, etc.)

Data object - an object delivering the basic database access functionality (table creation, record set navigation, record's values modification etc.)

Data object creator - has the same capabilities as data object, but also allows the modification and creation of the table or file.  Data Object Creator provides a user interface to define the structure for a new table or file.

Data source - is a sub-object of a data object, but can be instantiated independently, provides database connection information and allows running of SQL commands against the connected database resource.

Target variables can be created in the script editor either through the context menu for the list containing the variables or through the Script Resources dialog.  Just right click in the variable area and select what you need from the fly menu.

Note:  We are updating the documentation to include details on certain methods and functions that have been added.  Here are draft notes for the undocumented functions

The method CallFunction accepts two parameters – a SQL function name and an array of SQL function parameters

So having an SQL function as

Create function dbo.Concatinate( @part1 varchar(100), @part2 varchar(100) )

returns varchar(200)



return @part1 + @part2


The call from your script would look like:

Ret = Db.ds.CallFunction( “dbo.Concatinate”, array( “Hello “, “World”) )