Using API for Integrator Processing Automation
Depending on the requirements for the processing, the API processing automation could be implemented using four different techniques.
For synchronous execution of the Integrator projects with components connected using control connections:
dim prj
set prj = CreateObject( “Integrator.Integrator”)
prj.OpenProject “<project_path>”
prj.Run “<component_name>”
For synchronous execution of components and component’s functions individually regardless of their connectivity:
dim prj, comp
set prj = CreateObject( “Integrator.Integrator”)
prj.OpenProject “<project_path>”
set comp = prj.GetItem(“<component_name>”)
comp.Convert ‘assuming comp is a TextConverter
For execution with or without control connections.
dim trg
set trg = CreateObject( “Scripter.Target” )
trg.RunTargetProject “<project_path>?comp=<component_name>&var=<var_name>&procdata=<arguments>”, <async>
<project_path> - pathname of the Integrator project file.
<var_name> - control variable name to start the processing from ('Start' if omitted).
<component_name> - component name to start the processing from.
<arguments> - a string containing arguments in user defined format.
<async> - bullion value: true - asynchronous execution, false - synchronous execution.
Command line syntax.
TargetLoader.exe “<project_path>?comp=<component_name>”