Extracts a US formatted address from the input. This function both parses and finds addresses.
target.strlib.GetAddress input, city, state, zip, address1, address2
city (output) - City
state (output) - State
zip (output) - US formatted ZIP Code
address1 (optional, output) - address line 1
address2 (optional, output) - address line 2
Return value
true/false Boolean - was an address found?
'---------- Start ----------
Function Start
Dim str, city, state, zip, address
str = "The conference will be held at 742 Willow Drive, Pensauken North Carolina, 55381"
target.strlib.GetAddress str, city, state, zip, address
trg.Message( city&"|"&state&"|"&zip&"|"&address )
end function
In this case GetAddress will parse the input string, str, and extract the city, state, zip, and address and display them.
See also