Sample 1.3 (TR)
- Using TARGET variables to control reporting behavior.
- Using script to implement database driven querying.
Project file: InstallDir/Samples/TARGET Reports/1.3
This sample illustrates how a value stored in a TARGET variable can be used for modification of a custom field and how a database-driven scope can be defined using the OnStartReport context method implementation.
- Create a TARGET variable. (See scripting)
- Initialize the default value for the variable. All TARGET variables are available in an external programming environments through automation. Thus, any kind of data can be passed to a TARGET Reports object from a controlling environment. This sample uses the Rate variable to convert USD to GBR currency through modification of a custom field. The controlling object can be connected to a live feed containing currency rates and can be set up to run reports based on live data. Line 2 from the script sample below changes the field definition based on the value provided by the Rate TARGET variable.
- Create the OnStartReport context method. (See Scripting)
Implementation of the OnStartReport context method:
'----------------- OnStartReport -----------------
1. Function OnStartReport
2. this.SetTermDefinition "Price1", "Freight*" & Rate.value
3. Dim last_year
4. last_year = this.GetStatistics( "MAX(OrderDate)" )
5. last_year = DateAdd( "yyyy", -1, last_year )
6. this.scope.Modify "OrderDate>" & Target.FormatDate( last_year, "'MM/DD/YYYY'" )
7. End Function
The database driven query:
Line 4: calculate the maximum value for "OrderDate" field using the GetStatistics report element's method.
Line 5: reduce the calculated date by one year
Line 6: change the report element's scope according to the calculated date.
Now we have a scope that ensures that only last two years stored in the database will take part in the reporting.
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