Sets the SMTP server for mail sending operations. An attempt to find a server automatically will be made if all parameters are omitted.
trg.mail.SetSMTP server, login, password
server (input) - name/address of the mail sever (optionally with a port)
login (input) - username for the mail server
password (input) - password for the mail server
SMTP port could be specified with a standard notation, separating with a colon, like:
trg.mail.SetSMTP ""
Any non-standard port number could be specified, but only if the port number is equal to 465, the SSL will be used for a SMTP connection.
Also, instead of the port number you could specify the letters "TLS".
In this case, the connection will be made to the standard port 25, and then switched to the secured TLS mode (using the STARTTLS command).
For an example:
trg.mail.SetSMTP ""
Return value
This function returns true on a success.
Function Start
trg.mail.SetSMTP "", login, password
End Function
See also