C# Samples

There is a way to use the TextConverter component from multiple .NET languages. You can automate TextConverter from any .NET application, both desktop and server (for an instance, in your web ASP.NET application page). Here are samples in C#

In Microsoft Visual Studio.NET

Create or open a C# project. Add a reference to the appropriate .NET assembly (TextConverterLib). To do that:

Command Line:

Use the /reference: option (Short form: /r) of the Visual C# Compiler:

csc /t:exe /r:<TargetInstDIR>\TextConverterLib.dll  <sample>.cs

Code Example

This sample creates an instance of the TextConverter object, loads a project file and runs the conversion.

using System;

using System.Reflection;


class TextConverterSample


    public const string TC_PROJECT_FOLDER = "C:\\Projects\\";

    public const string CONVERTER_FILE = "TextConverterProject.ConverterX";

    public const string INPUT_FILE = "in.txt";

    public const string OUTPUT_FILE = "out.csv";

    static void Main( string[] args )


        try {

            ConverterX cnv = new ConverterX();

            cnv.OpenProject( TC_PROJECT_FOLDER + CONVERTER_FILE );

            cnv.SetInputFile( TC_PROJECT_FOLDER + INPUT_FILE );

            ITDataSource src = cnv.GetOutputDS();

            src.SetDS( TC_PROJECT_FOLDER + OUTPUT_FILE, "" );

            src.csv_include_column_names = true;

            src.csv_col_separator = "|";

            if( cnv.IsValid() != 0 )

                Console.WriteLine( "Converter is not valid! Please check the project file: " + CONVERTER_FILE );

            cnv.SetBatch( false );

            int retValue = cnv.Convert( "" );

            Console.WriteLine( "Converted: " + retValue );

        } catch( Exception e ) {

            Console.WriteLine( "Error: {0}", e.Message );




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