Calling GetFileNames returns the file names
Function GetFileNames(filter, options)
filter (input) - a string representing full pathname of the folder with the wild card based filter
options (input) - an optional string with hints which control how the list of files to be created and would it be sorted.
Could content the following sub-string:
folder - include the folder names (default is only files)
folder only - no files, only folders
system - do not skip system files
hidden - do not skip hidden files
name - sort the result by name
date - sort by date
size - sort by size
desc - sort in the reverse order
sub - recursively scan the sub-folders
Return value
Array of file names (or full pathnames if the 'sub' parameter was set)
dim ff, i
ff = trg.file.GetFileNames( "C:\test\" & "*.ppt*", "date desc" )
for i = 0 to ubound(ff)
msgbox i & ": " & ff(i)
See also