Target - An auxiliary object that facilitates common scripting tasks like parsing text data into elements or manipulating arrays as well as the program's more powerful features such as executing external code and pulling data from the web
target.array - The array object in the Target drop-down is a group of methods that allow users to control the arrays created within TextConverter
Add - Calling this function will add a specified value to an array
Allocate - Allocates space for an array
Chop - Chops an array
Clone - Duplicates an array
Empty - Empties an array
Find - Calling target.array.Find determines if a certain value is within an array.Â
First - Determines what the first value in the array is
Get - Retrieves the value in the array at a specific index
GetArray - Gets an array
Insert - Inserts a specified value at a desired index
Join - Combines elements of an array based on a delimiter
Last - Returns the last value within an array
Remove - Remove a value at a specified index
Set - Change the value at an index to another value of your choosing
SetArray - Sets an array
Sort - Sort the values of an array
UBound - Returns the upper bound of an array
target.file - The .file group of TARGET methods allows you to use and manipulate files outside of the TextConverter software
Copy - Calling target.file.Copy copies it from one folder to another
Delete - This will delete a file
Exists - Determines if a file exists within a folder
GetDate - Calling this will return the date the file was made
GetExtension - Returning this will retrieve the extension of the file
GetExtensionByMIME - Calling this will give you the extension via a MIME
GetFileNames - Calling this will give the file namesÂ
GetMIME - This function returns a file's MIME type
GetName - Returns the name of the fileÂ
GetSize - Returns a file's size
GetText - Returns the text within a file
IsLocked - Determines if a file is locked or not
IsTextPDF - Determines if a PDF file is of text
Move - This moves a file from one location to another
Read - Returns an iSequentialStream that holds the file's content
Rename - Renames the file
Replace - Replaces a file
SetDate - Sets the date of a file
Unzip - Unzips a .zip file into a designated folder
Write - Writes a file
Zip - Compresses a list of files into a zip file or updates an existing zip file
Add - Calling target.hash_table.Add adds a key and a value to the hash table
AddOnce - Calling target.hash_table.AddOnce adds a key and a value to the hash table only if there is no value under that existing key
Clone - Calling target.hash_table.Clone clones the current hash table
Count - Calling target.hash_table.Count will count the number of indexes in the hash table
Empty - Calling target.hash_table.Empty will clear the hash table
Find - Calling target.hash_table.Find will find the value associated with the specified key
GetByIndex - Calling target.hash_table.GetByIndex will find a value using an index
GetByKey - Calling target.hash_table.GetByKey will find the value associated with the specified key
Remove - Calling target.hash_table.Remove will clear the specified key
UBound - Calling target.hash_table.UBound will get the number of entries in the hash table
target.mail - a group of methods that control name based containers of arbitrary values
Connect - Connect to a mail server
Delete - Delete a message
Disconnect - Disconnect from a mail server
GetMessage - This will retrieve messages
GetMessages - Get multiple messages based on various parameters
Move - Move a message based on a given path
Send - Sends an e-mail message
SetAttachments - Set the attachments for an email mesage
SetCC - Add a CC email address to the message
SetFont - Set a desired font for the message
SetPickupFolder - E-mail will be sent using the local SMTP service and e-mail will be picked up from the specified folder
SetSMTP - Sets the SMTP server for mail operations
target.map - These methods control name based containers of arbitrary values
Clone - Calling this method will duplicate a map
Empty - Clears the container
Get - Retrieves container values by name
GetRadio - Retrieves the radio values in a map
GetValue - Retrieves the content of the container
IsEmpty - Calling this method determines if the names inputted are empty fields
IsFull - This will determine if the maps are full or not
IsTrue - Determines if a name in a map is true
Set - Sets a map based on given parameters
SetAll - Sets all of the names in a map
SetRadio - Sets the radio values of a map
SetValue - Sets values in a map
target.progress -Â These methods control progress bar's behavior
target.strlib - These methods control certain key string manipulation functions
Chop - Using the chop method will truncate a given string at a desired location
Delete - Delete a section of a string based on a starting position and a length
Extract - Extracts and returns an array of strings found
GetAddress - Extracts a US formatted address from the input
GetCityStateZip - Extracts a US city state and zip from the input
GetEmail - Extracts an e-mail address from the input
GetName - Extracts a person's name from the input
GetPhone - Extracts a telephone number from the input
GetSSN - Extracts a US Social Security Number (SSN) from the input
GetWord - Extracts a word of text from the input
GetWords - Extracts an array of words of text from the input
InStr - Use this to find the exact location of something in a string
Mid - This special Mid function, returns a string between two tags
Replace - Search for a string and replace it with another string
SetCaseSensitive - This takes an input string and makes it case sensitive
Split - Breaks up the input string into parts based on an arbitrary delimiter
Trim - This will trim a given string
target.weblink - This property allows you to manipulate links to the web
CopyTo - Calling the CopyTo method allows you to copy a link
Download - Calling this method will allow you to download a file
HTTPRequest - This allows you to request an HTTP address
NSLookup - This method allows you to look up an address by type
Respond - This is used to respond to various items
target.ArrayFind - Finds a value of an arbitrary type in a one dimensional array
target.ArrayInsert - Inserts a value of an arbitrary type into a one dimensional array at a specified position
target.CloseAllDBConnections - This will close all database connections
target.CreateObject - Creates an arbitrary object specified as the path to the object
target.Execute - Acts as a shell to run an arbitrary executable specified as input
target.FormatDate - Formats a date value according to a specified format
target.FormatNumeric - Formats a numeric value according to a specified format.
target.GetDateRange - Gets the files within a given range of dates
target.GetItem - Gets an item
target.GetMessage - Prevents errors from appearing to the user
target.GetProcessData - Gets the process data
target.GetProcesses - Gets multiple processes given a process name
target.GetProcessID - Gets the ID of a process
target.GetProcessTime - Gets the time for a process
target.GetService - Retrieves the services
target.GetStartPath - Retrieves the starting path of a process
target.GetUniqueString - Gets the unique strings
target.IIF - Determines if two values are inline or not (InlineIF)
target.InitDate - Initializes a date value from a text date string according to a provided format
target.InitNumeric - Initializes a numeric value from a text representation of a number according to a provided format
target.IsEmpty - Checks if the value passed to the function is Empty, Null or has zero length
target.IsNumeric - Checks if the value passed to the function is Numeric
target.IsRunning - Checks if a process is running or not
target.IsTrue - Checks if the value passed to the function is True
target.KillProcess - Ends a process
target.Max - Compares 2 or 3 numeric, date, or string values and returns the maximum value
target.Message - Outputs a text message to the end user
target.Min - Compares 2 or 3 numeric, date, or string values and returns the minimum value
target.Replace - Replaces certain values
target.RunOnce - Runs a process only once
target.SaveProject - Saves a project
target.Sleep - Waits doing nothing for a specified number of milliseconds
target.Sort - Sorts a one dimensional array containing arbitrary type values
target.SplitString - Breaks an input string into an array of words
target.TimerGet - Gets the timer for a process
target.TimerSet - Sets a timer obtained using TimerGet
target.Update - This function updates value_to with value_from but only if value_from is not empty
target.Validate - Determines whether a value is within the set parameters